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Board Members

Kevin Crumpton, Jr.

Director of Youth Advisory Board

Kevin L. Crumpton, Jr was born on June 14, 2000 in Pine Bluff, AR. Kevin currently lives in his birthplace and has plans to venture out once he graduates this upcoming school year. He is a young man that values family, education, and most importantly his down time. Although Kevin upholds the Valedictorian spot for the Class of 2018, he still continues to show his passion for helping his fellow peers and remaining humble in every endeavor he partakes in.


Since volunteering and community service is such a mandatory part of societal success, Kevin spends a portion of his time dedicated to researching opportunities that will be beneficial to his success. Resulting from this, Kevin is a part of YAC (Youth Advisory Council- Vice President), Student Council (Pine Bluff High School- Executive Board President), Shoulder to Shoulder Mentoring Group (S2S- President), Ivy Center for Education, and many other extra-curricular activities inside and outside the school. 


Upon graduation, Kevin plans on attending college at Howard University, Vanderbilt University, Xavier University or the University of Pine Bluff at Arkansas. To fulfill his dream in becoming in an OB/GYN, he plans on majoring in Chemistry. Keeping GOD at the head of his life, Kevin considers all of his success to be through GOD. 


Philippians 4:13 is his favorite biblical verse, stating, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” He is such a competitive person and never sees giving up as an option… “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward,” stated by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., definitely sums up Kevin’s competitive spirit.

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